Chhattisgarh Agricon Samiti

Health and Well-being


Whether it is work productivity or quality of life, health affects important areas of life. Mental, social, emotional, and physical well-being are all considered to be parts of good health. 

Our mental well-being directly impacts our ability to emote, think, work, build and maintain relationships, and handle external stresses. If proper health is not taken care of, it hampers our social, financial, and physical well-being. 

Our Interventions 

Mental Health Awareness campaigns.

Mentor 5 volunteer groups across different districts of Chhattisgarh, working on the health & wellbeing of the community.

Identification & admission of SAM children in NRCs.

Developed understanding amongst PRI members, teachers and other FLWs on Community Mental Health and Social Emotional Development of Children.

Promoted Nutrition through diet and local produce for all.

Ran awareness campaigns on prevalent and other infectious disease prevention such as Covid-19, Malaria, Anemia, tuberculosis etc.

Our Impact 
  • 300+ children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) have been admitted to Nutritional Rehabilitation Centers (NRCs) 
  • 1,27,163 people nudged to get vaccinated for covid-19 in FY22-23. 
  • 26,728 people including children were made aware of correct handwashing practices in FY 22-23. 
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