Chhattisgarh Agricon Samiti

Secure Water for Future

Supporting Those Who Need It Most


Secure Water for Future



The district of Kabirdham is on the brink of a severe water crisis. As groundwater levels continue to drop, the threat to our communities, agriculture, and ecosystems becomes more critical each day. Kabirdham is now classified as a critical water-draft area, meaning that more water is being extracted than is replenished, leading to an unsustainable and perilous situation.

The Challenge

Water is life, but for the people of Kabirdham, water scarcity has become a daily struggle. Fields are drying, wells are running low, and the very foundation of our livelihoods is at risk. Without immediate action, the consequences could be dire, not just for them, but for future generations.

But there is hope. Recharge pits—a simple, yet powerful solution—can help reverse this trend and restore the balance of our water resources. By constructing recharge pits, we can capture rainwater and channel it back into the ground, replenishing the aquifers that so many depend on.

Why Recharge Pits Matter

Each recharge pit we construct has the potential to save crores of Liters of water each year. This water, instead of running off and being wasted, will seep back into the earth, raising groundwater levels and ensuring that our wells, farms, and ecosystems have the water they need to thrive.

Moreover, by incorporating filters or charcoal into these pits, we can prevent contamination, safeguarding the quality of our underground water supplies. This is not just about quantity—it’s about ensuring that the water we rely on is clean and safe.

The Initiative

Our goal is ambitious but achievable: to construct 100 recharge pits across Kabirdham. Each pit costs INR 20,000, covering the following:

  • Excavation and Construction: INR 12,000
  • Materials (Gravel, Sand, Bricks, Charcoal etc.): INR 5,000
  • Administrative Cost: INR 3,000

Total Funding: 2000000

The Impact

By constructing 100 recharge pits, we could save millions of Liters of water annually. This would not only stabilize groundwater levels but also provide a reliable water source for our farmers, ensuring their fields remain fertile and productive. Additionally, healthy groundwater levels are crucial for drinking water, reducing the strain on overused wells, and preserving the natural habitats that are vital to our ecosystem.

Imagine the difference we can make—fields that flourish instead of wither, communities that thrive instead of struggle, and a future that is secure rather than uncertain. Every recharge pit is a step towards a sustainable and water-secure Kabirdham.

Why We Need Your Help

MGNREGS (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) already supports the creation of soak pits, but your contribution will make these recharge pits even more effective by funding essential filters and charcoal, ensuring that the water we return to the ground is clean and free from contaminants.

Join Us in This Critical Initiative This is a collective effort, and we need your support to make it happen. Here’s how you can help:

  • Sponsor a Full Recharge Pit: Donate INR 20,000 to fully fund one recharge pit, directly contributing to the restoration of Kabirdham’s water resources.
  • General Donation: Any amount you can contribute will help us reach our goal. You can also opt for a recurring donation of ₹2,000 per month for 10 Months, contributing to the overall cost of a recharge pit.

Your Contribution Matters Every rupee you donate brings us closer to securing a sustainable water future for Kabirdham. Your support will help protect our water resources, empower our communities, and ensure that the people and ecosystems of Kabirdham have the water they need to survive and thrive.

Donate Now and Make a Difference! For more information or to donate,Thank you for your generosity and commitment to sustainability.

Together, we can create a better tomorrow—one recharge pit at a time.



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